Friday, May 21, 2010

Hitting the Board is better than Not!!

Cape Town Bay hit the board--barely--but he hit the board! And since he was actually surging--instead of dying--at the end, there is some hope he just may come in second, perhaps even first some day. We'll have to wait another three weeks to find out, but it will be nice to have hope during those three weeks. Better still, with his winnings, he has paid his expenses for those three weeks, and he has provided at least two pages worth of optimistic musings for the book. Have I said recently that hope springs eternal?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two horses have run and lost since I've last blogged--but who really wants to hear about that? Blessedly, hope always springs eternal; therefore, another horse is running this Thursday, May 20--this time Cape Town Bay. I've learned in my near two months abscence from this blog that it is bad luck not to write about my horses before they run. Perhaps Cape Town Bay's flipping palate played a part in his last race when he came in 7th--apparently ahead of other horses with similar maladies; and may be Stay Alert simply is not an allowance horse. But it is clear that both like for their fan base to know they are running before they run--otherwise they just can't be bothered.

I've have great excuses as to why I've been so quiet--a complete crash of my system in April and a seven day road trip with my sister, Jeanie, from Houston to Maine just last week. While I lost 15 pages of my book when my system crashed, both experiences have provided lots of good book material. With luck, I will wrap up the book on June 21--exactly a year after I started. With additional luck, I'll have at least two more wins to talk about, while looking to the future with our newest horse, Dunraven Pass. He is two--and is officially our Derby 2011 hopeful. You heard it hear first!

To read more about tomorrow night's race--and the seven day road trip, which was clearly the most interesting yet, go out to our website at under the news tab.

If Cape Town Bay is the horse we hope he is, there'll be update before noon Friday!!