Saturday, August 22, 2009

Breeder's Cup Winners--Why not my Horse?

Today, my husband, Ken, and I decided we would not enter any of our three horses in this year's Breeder Cup races--mainly because one of our two year olds came in 6th in a $30,000 claiming race, our three year came in 4th in a $30,000 claiming race and our other two year old just came out of layup. I mentioned the Breeder's Cup solely for the purpose of enhancing the possibility that someone with ties to the horse and/or publishing world would stumble across this blog.

In my first entry below, I noted my skepticism about blogging--but admitted I need all the help I can find locating a publisher for my book--which I have tentatively called "A Diary of a Crazed Horsewoman." It is 75 pages long so far, and other than having no idea how it will end, is coming along nicely. Even slow horses can provide some rather entertaining material. However, as I feared, so far, the only ones to find my blog are my husband, my sister, my daughter-in-law and me--under a different name. Try as I may, using all the good search words in my first paragraph--and my last name--I never could get by blog to come up in Google, either.

I'm going to let my Horse Alert folks know about this blog on Monday, hoping that at least 5 out of the 210 or so will actually come look out here and help swell my numbers. That said, I have no idea if it matters if my blog has 4 followers or 200 followers.

I did find out yesterday that in addition to the 7 people who follow me on Twitter--none of whom I know--I have a new follower who wants to have sex with me. No, I don't know him either. I'm still waiting for that first person to come through our website posted below who wants something other than porn or Viagra.

Do you think this is how Julie--in "Julia & Julie" really got started?


  1. Hey, Your biggest fan just signed up and I think that book deal is right around the corner. 'Ya never know.

    Oh by the way, I dont need any Viagra.

  2. And I appreciate that you didn't come through my website asking for any!! What a friend!
