Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stay Alert--Please stay alert!

Stay Alert is running tomorrow, Friday, January 29. If he stays alert, he just may hit the board. If he decides he only wants to run 4 furlongs--and the jockey is unsuccessful in convincing him otherwise, darn. While no one has reported any applicable dreams and I've not received any pertinent "lucky" e-mails, I intend to do my part--wear matching earrings. If he hits the board, I'll update this blog by Monday noon. To read the facts, commentary about the race--and additional musings/whinings from me--go to the website, under the news tab.

Since this blog is supposed to be about what it is like to be writing a book about owning horses, I should ask: Did you know I was writing a book? Apparently not everyone who reads my Horse Alerts (which you can find on the website) knows this, notwithstanding I mention it in almost every Alert e-mail. So, while it was nice to hear that someone enjoyed reading about my horses--right after that someone asked that I stop sending them Alerts, when that someone suggested I write a book, it called into question just how closely they had read anything I had written. Yes, I am obsessing over this. I'm thinking I would get over it if Stay Alert would stay alert!

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